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How to make dropping boards for chicken coops? Edit | Delete | Reply with quote Quote |
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First Post Posted on: 04-23-13 01:03 PM next post first post
I have heard people keep dropping boards in chicken coop to keep coop cleaner. I'm considering to do this, but I am not sure how to go about this. Anyone here have any ideas on how to make a dropping board?
annemarie's personal page annemarie  
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Reply #: 1 Posted on: 05-20-13 12:34 PM next post previous post

I don't know if you found the answer to this yet but I used to just put cheap plastic pans under roosts with a little litter (sand, wood shavings ((horse bedding)), straw or hay) then just dump them when necessary into the compost pile!

Hope this helps.


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Chicken coop - wet shavings Edit | Delete | Reply with quote Quote |
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Reply #: 2 Posted on: 05-21-13 07:02 AM next post previous post
Sounds Great.. Thanks!! Lemme ask you something more. Do you have any idea why the shavings and board in my chicken coop is wet in the morning. Do chickens urinate, I don't think so. Its something else. Any help would be much appreciated.
annemarie's personal page annemarie  
Re: How to make dropping boards for chicken coops? Edit | Delete | Reply with quote Quote |
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Reply #: 3 Posted on: 05-22-13 02:55 PM last post previous post
Their urine & feces come out together although their urine is not the liquidy.  How much space do you have and for how many chickens?  It could be they are producing so much heat that any liquid is evaporating  and then settling when it becomes to heavy, similar to dew on your lawn or say your pipes sweating in the summer. Do you have ventilation in the coop?  That is a MUST.  Good Luck and I hope this helps.
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