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1.First, register with frankstrade.com. 2.Search for a specific item or browse the various auctions categories. When you find something that you want and if you wish to place bid on any item, you are required to sign into frankstrade.com. After signing in, enter ‘Your Maximum Bid’ in the box provided on that item's auction page. Maximum Bid is the maximum amount you are willing to pay. 3.Click on "Review Bid." You'll get one of the following confirmation messages: 4.Once you've reviewed your bid and confirmed that everything is in order, click on "Place Bid." This is the final step to submit your bid. 5.Once you have placed your bid, you will receive a bidding confirmation e-mail to your e-mail ID. 6.As you wait for the auction to close, you will receive notifications if you have been outbid. You can always return to the auction page and enter a higher bid. |