Lot of 4 Pail/Bucket with Peckomatic Demand Bird Feeder Kit & Tripod 5-Gallon Pail Stand 
Price:239.94 US $
Quantity:56 (Available: 50, Sold: 6)
Time left:connecting...
Started:Sunday, April 30, 2023 06:30 PM
Ends:Tuesday, June 11, 2024 10:59 PM
Current Time:Sunday, December 22, 2024 10:34 AM
Seller peckomatic (100% 6)
High Bidder -
Item ID:10418
Features: Cool
First bid: US $
# of bids:6
Location:SYRACUSE, NY 13206
Region:New York


5 gal. Pail/Bucket & PECk-O-MATIC Demand Bird Feeder Kit to feed chickens, turkeys, quails, pigeons, doves, pheasants, peafowl, domestic ducks, wild ducks, geese, swans and more. Cost of feed that PECk-O-MATIC(Peckomatic) saves by eliminating waste pays for it in one month!!


Tripod 5-Gallon Pail Stand is designed to hold up to 20 lbs of feed in your pail. Tripod pail/bucket holder stand can be used indoor/outdoor or in the water. The clearance of the Pail from the ground can be adjusted by loosening or tightening the fastener (Carriage bolt and a Wing nut) on Circular Ring by hand.

Free standing Pail stand can be used to hold both PECk-O-MATIC Demand Feeder and Poultry Drinker .


PECk-O-MATIC (Peckomatic) Demand Bird Feeder kit is easy to set up simple mechanical system that eliminate waste & save money on your feed.

PECk-O-MATIC (Peckomatic) Demand Bird Feeder Kit is a highly reliable, on-demand gravity feeder that keeps your feed secure and away from elements and mice. Whether you are using in indoors or outdoors, PECk-O-MATIC Demand Bird Feeder engages your birds in pecking and grabbing with its Catch-Dish and thus reduces boredom and aggression.

 Note : Assembling is required for this item

One Kit Includes :

1. One Feeder-Funnel      4. One Catch-Dish-Lock           7. 5 gal. Pail/Bucket with 4" hole at bottom

2. One Catch-Dish             5. One Pail-Hanger                   8. Tripod 5-Gallon Pail Stand

3. One Trigger-Rod          6. Multiple Regulator-Disks


For more details of assembly instructions please click here



Shipping is available to anywhere in the lower 48 states via FedEx Ground. Shipping and handling charges are additional based on buyer's zip code. 

Check out our website for more pictures and information about our product. Watch the video of Chickens, Ducks and Pigeons and more using PECk-O-MATIC Demand Feeder at www.peckomatic.com

Payment Methods
Seller's payment instructions:
Shipping & Handling
Package weight: First item: 33 lb Additional item: - lb
Package Size: (Width: 25 X Height: 13 X Length: 34) inch
Type: Your Packaging
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Sales Tax
Sales Tax Per Item:  New York - 8.75%
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Return Policy
Return Period: 30 days
Refund Method: Refund the same method
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